(713) 376-5407 ecg4everyone@gmail.com

ECG Course – Understanding and Knowing ECG

Course Contents:

  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart
  • Basic Electrocardiography
  • Sinus Rhythms
  • Atrial Rhythms
  • Junctional Rhythms
  • Ventricular Rhythms
  • Heart Blocks
  • Pacemaker
  • Holter Monitoring
  • Stress Testing
  • Practice Rhythms

The heart is a fascinating organ. It has the capability of generating bursts of energy or electrical impulses within itself to generate life. And it does this through specialized cells that are in specific areas inside the heart to make it contract and pump blood.

Understanding and Knowing ECG is a course where you will feel comfortable learning.

 You understand EKGs by learning the anatomy and physiology of the heart including its pumping action and electrical activity and how this electrical activity is recorded on a piece of paper.

You know EKGs by practicing and interpreting lots of EKGs, and we will achieve both in this course.

Textbook Information:

After reviewing several books on EKG, ECG for Everyone has decided to use ECGs Made Easy, by Elsevier as the textbook of choice for this course as it closely relates to what we are trying to achieve while teaching this course, especially in the area of anatomy and physiology of the heart.

  • ECGs Made Easy – Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition by Barbara Aehlert, RN, BSPA. If you go this route you will have to get a username and password to get in Vital Source.
  • Or paperback “ECGs Made Easy” 6th Edition
  • Get a username and password and once you are in the webpage you can do a search by typing the name of the book and choose which version you want paperback or eBook.

Course Fee $350:

 The course is eight weeks long on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1.5 hours long each day.  Course fee is $350 and there will be no refunds once the course starts (Go to the FAQs section for more details in refunds).



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